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Power Amplifier Rockola Exp with Speaker Protector

This PCB Layout for power amplifier Rockola Exp with Speaker Protector, you can download PCB Layout as PDF format file, at the end of this post. The power amplifier Rockola is very familiar also for PA (Public Adress) audio system. This amplifier can deliver high power output up to 2kW, but, it must use an extra Final Transistor's, you can using transistor 2SC5200/ 2SA1943 as a final transistor as much 10 pair transistor.  Power supply recommended 65VAC symmetrical power supply with current up to 20A.

Below the Power Amplifier Rockola Exp with Speaker Protector  PCB Layout 

Power Amplifier Rockola Exp with Speaker Protector

Download PCB Layout PDF:
Complete Rockola Exp with speaker Protector

7 comments for "Power Amplifier Rockola Exp with Speaker Protector "

  1. Hi from Brazil,
    Do you have the Gerber files?

  2. Dor can you please guive the value of *** boas circuito components?
    Thank You.

  3. Typical sizes for speakers are 5.5, 6.5 and 8 inch. The 8 inch will generally have stronger bass with the larger woofer. 8 inch speakers are recommended for surround sound systems and 6.5 inch for background music. I would not recommend 5.25 inch speakers except for very small rooms.. Some speakers only specify their Peak power rating and as a rule-of-thumb, divide the Peak rating by 2 to estimate the RMS rating.

  4. pin 5 of upc1237 must be connected to ground, pin 1 of ic must be hanging?
