The schematic above can be used for supply on color TV for all type TV circuit. But we need to know how much voltage needed by the circuit of color Television. To set the output voltage, the setting on VR1 1K ohm. Required input voltage 300V DC which is already on TV circuit, so we just take a 300V dc voltage existing on the TV circuit, and for a circuit supply voltage on our TV cut the line PCB and connected with this universal switching power supply.For the transformer we can use the TV regulator transformer.
Part List :
R1 = 33R 5W
R2 = 330R 1W
R3 = 2K2
R4 = 47K
R5 = 2K7
R6 = 22K
R7 = 390K
R8 = 47R 1W
C1 = 100uF 25V
C2 = 1n2 2KV
C3 = 18n
C4 = 18n
D1 = 1N4148
D2 = 1N4148
D3 = ZD 12V
D4 = 1N4007
D5 = 1N4007
VR1 = 1K
ZD1 = Zener 6V
T1 = TV regulator transformer
Q1 = K2847
Q2 = C2328A
PCB line
Finishes circuit
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